Jeremie grew up as a pastor's son in Québec, Canada, and Amy as a missionary kid in Alicante, Spain. Jeremie turned to Christ at the age of 21 after years of rebellion. Amy believed in Jesus at a young age. Academically, God has prepared Amy to teach music, and Jeremie to preach and teach with a Th.M. Jeremie also currently is working on a D.Min. in Expository Preaching. Cross-culturally, Amy learned much living in Spain, Jeremie studied in Spain for a year, and both fluently spoke Spanish upon arrival to the DR. In the DR, Jeremie presided over and taught at the college, and Amy's main ministry was homemaking. They have three children, Olivia, Elliot, and Sophia.
Jeremie |
Jeremie was born in 1986, in Québec, Canada. The son of a pastor, he grew up in Sherbrooke, Canada. Jeremie made a profession of faith at the age of four and was baptized at the age of seven. However, by age ten, he started to become rebellious, and his rebellion grew during his teenage years. Jeremie did not care about the gospel and blindly enjoyed worldly pleasures.
In college, Jeremie pursued an International Business degree with a Hispanic studies minor at Bishop’s University. One of his degree requirements was to study abroad, and he chose to go to Spain. The summer before he left for Spain, Jeremie had plans to party it up in Spain, but his father got him connected to a missionary in Spain. In God’s providence, the missionary arranged for Jeremie to rent a room in a Christian couple’s apartment, with whom he decided to attended church. Jeremie knew the gospel but refused to submit to Christ because he knew it would cost him his pursuit of worldly pleasures. However, through the influence of the church youth, God worked in his heart. In November of 2008, he repented of his sins. As a new believer, Jeremie felt compelled to serve God through full-time vocational ministry. During his year in Spain, God greatly blessed Jeremie not only with salvation, the learning of a new language and culture, but also with meeting his future wife. He finished his business degree and enrolled at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary, where he completed a Masters of Divinity and a Masters of Theology by 2015. He currently is enrolled in a Doctorate of Ministry in Expository Preaching at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary. Jeremie’s burden is to work in church planting and also in theological education in Spain. The Lord has opened those doors, has prepared him with training, and has given him the desire to serve there.
Prior to revitalizing International Baptist Seminary (Seminario Bautista Internacional, in the Dominican Republic, during his time in seminary, Jeremie served in evangelistic and discipleship bible studies, outreach, and lead an accountability group in his local church. Prior to seminary Jeremie also worked in sales and customer service, management consulting, and served five years in the Canadian Army Reserve. |
Amy was born in Alicante, Spain, in 1990. She grew up in Spain as a missionary kid, and was active in helping in her church and in evangelism. When she was six years old, Amy prayed to be saved, but at the age of eleven, she had serious doubts concerning her salvation. She wrestled for a while with these doubts, but God used His Word and her parents to speak to her heart. She affirmed that she was a Christian based on her faith in Christ’s work and repentance of her sins. The doubts were replaced with peace and joy, knowing that her salvation was secure in Christ. Though not sure of the exact time of her conversion, she is trusting Christ today. At the age of seventeen she moved to the United States to study music education.
Amy’s desire to be a missionary started when she was very young, as she observed and participated in her parents’ ministry in Spain. Before she met her future husband, her greatest desire was to return as a missionary to Spain, both because of her love for the country and the great spiritual need she saw. But ultimately, she knew that she would only be truly content in the center of God’s will, whether that was in Spain or in any other country. God opened the doors for Jeremie and her to go to the Dominican Republic. After prayer and a survey trip to where they would be working, Amy was burdened and excited about serving God in that country, through whatever ministry opportunities God provides for her.
Though Jeremie and Amy were not seeking to move out of the DR, they had to because of health reasons. The are moving to Spain for ministry reasons primarily, but also because Spain can adequately provide for the needed health care. God, in His providence, is answering a long-time prayer request. Amy has been involved in various ministry opportunities. She has worked at Christian camps, taught children’s Sunday school classes, spoken at ladies’ bible studies, directed a nursery ministry, participated in church music ministries, and in evangelism and discipleship as well. Her main ministry is homemaking and raising their children, Olivia, Elliot and Sophia. Amy has also had a variety of work experiences. She has tutored in both English and Spanish, has taught piano and flute lessons, has extensive experience as a piano accompanist, and worked as a church receptionist for three years. |